Welcome! I'm excited to start on this new blog telling all about my experiences and explorations with the Summer Institute. Yesterday was our first day at the Barrington Headwater and I was so happy that we were given the chance to discover some of the more interesting sights. The scavenger hunt brought us to a spot off the main path, one which I found to be most inspiring. A bit further into the woods there lay the remains of an old cellar. A deep square dugout lined with large stones suddenly made me wonder about life before. It is sad to see just remains, large trees jutting out from where a homestead use to stand. What happened to the people there? Did the land become too hard to take care of? Where are the others? Where did they all go? I hope that further in our studies we will begin to answer these questions. I have always been interested in not only nature but natural history. I'm curious to what the changes to this land have been, the journey so to speak the land has taken and why it is as we see it today.
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