I began delving into my research this afternoon and found some interesting information and some new questions. I started by looking at past relevant projects, read, and reread their research process and findings. It was all very helpful too, as Eleanor said there is no reason to reinvent the wheel. It is nice to build off other's work as well and discover new findings. The 2002 group even mentioned additional ideas of what groups could do if they chose to carry on the topic of the homesteads and cellar holes. I'm taking in their thoughts and moving forward in a way that may blend their ideas with mine.
Speaking of my new ideas....
I went out onto the Barrington Headwaters after spending an hour or two looking at numerous papers, sifting through deeds and maps, and searching on the web. It was nice to get out into the field and begin exploring the homestead site. Lara and Katie explored with me and gave me ideas of what to think about, what qualitative research I might want to do, and what activities I'll have those that come do. I've been interested since day one when Lara spoke of coring trees to see their age, well now I'm going to have that opportunity. I figured I'd core the trees that are growing in the cellar hole to get a rough estimate of the site's age. I can conclude that the holes are in fact older than (blank) years old. I might even core some of what
looks like newer growth pine trees that have sprouted through the site to get a further age estimate. From there I'm going to look back in Wessels and decipher if this site was used for agriculture or for pasture. I found clues today in the reading and from the visit that support both theories. I may even look at some of the stumps (Right) we noticed to see what they may tell me about the land. That is if I have time :). I know I say this in every post but after today and figuring out what I'm going to do on my site and working closer with both Lara and Katie, I'm really excited about this project and to get even further in depth with it!
Speaking of my new ideas....
I went out onto the Barrington Headwaters after spending an hour or two looking at numerous papers, sifting through deeds and maps, and searching on the web. It was nice to get out into the field and begin exploring the homestead site. Lara and Katie explored with me and gave me ideas of what to think about, what qualitative research I might want to do, and what activities I'll have those that come do. I've been interested since day one when Lara spoke of coring trees to see their age, well now I'm going to have that opportunity. I figured I'd core the trees that are growing in the cellar hole to get a rough estimate of the site's age. I can conclude that the holes are in fact older than (blank) years old. I might even core some of what

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